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Increase productivity, mitigate burnout, and fall in love with your cycle!

Do you feel disconnected from your body?

Do you often experience pain and discomfort throughout your cycle?

Are you looking to unlock your fullest potential using your cycle as an ally?


If you do, know you aren’t alone and you’re in the right place.


Period Power is an educational ebook geared to teach you about female physiology and the importance of living in alignment with each phase of our cycle! When we tap into our bioenergetic needs, nourish each season of our infradian rhythm, and naturally support our physiology; this is how we unlock the POWER of our Period! 

Topics covered include:

 - The importance of understanding Your Infradian Cycle

- Seasons of your cycle and how to live in alignment with each phase

- Tracking ovulation + the importance of ovulatory health

- Methods to tracking your cycle for conception and contraceptive purposes

- The Moon Menstrual Connection

- Signs of Hormone Imbalances

- Hormone Supporting foods

Step Into Your Power!

Click here to download

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