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I’m Carlynn, a Hormone Health Consultant that supports women to feel empowered in understanding their nutrient + nourishment needs to develop a resilient body to ride the ever-changing waves of womanhood. I am passionate about teaching and empowering women how to leverage their physiology to restore their cycles, improve metabolic health, maximize energy, balance the hormonal ecosystem, and connect to their intuitive selves. 

I transformed my health by -- adopting a whole food lifestyle, understanding my nutrient + nourishment needs, removing environmental toxins and building a resilient mineral foundation.

My Health Journey...

I've dealt with years of menstrual pain, poor digestion, fluctuations with weight, drastic mood swings, and went through cyclical waves of depriving my body of exactly what it needed - Nutrients + Nourishment. I had a poor relationship to my body, long history of eating disorders, never questioned where my food came from, and always felt like my menstrual cycle was a normal burden. I was constantly at war with my body which deeply affected my mental + hormone health for years.


I wanted to get to the ROOT CAUSE of my hormone imbalances so I went back to school where I dived into the bioenergetics of nutrition, cellular energy, mineral metabolism, female physiology and metabolic health.    

 I adopted a food first approach, responsibly got off birth control, repaired my gut, restored my metabolism, shifted my nutrient + nourishment needs in alignment with my cycle and built a strong mineral foundation.  



 Rather than focusing individually on my skin, weight, and my periods, I now prioritize simple solutions that help my body feel safe — good sleep, optimal digestion, body temperature, healthy ovulation, and nutrient density. Easy, daily things I can track and measure for sustainable health alongside functional testing. 

I feel more connected to my body, my intuition, my creative self, my feminine nature, and have the energy to show up in the best ways for my family and community. 

I believe that if more women understand how to nourish their own bodies, live in alignment with their cycles, and develop a strong mineral foundation, they'll be able to move through each season of womanhood with confidence and ease!

Healthy women create thriving mothers that birth nourished children and create generational shifts towards a healthier, more balanced world. This is the goal and driving passion behind my work with women!

My life & perspective on  health changed

Ready to get to get to the root cause of your hormone imbalances?

It took me a long time and a lot of investment in educating myself to get to the root cause of my hormone imbalances but that doesn't have to be the case for you. 

Let's work together and I'll give you my exact blueprint to develop a strong mineral foundation and gain the tools to feel empowered in every stage of womanhood!

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